Program 1: 0-3 Months

Nurturing Sleep In The Fourth Trimester

    1. Welcome! Meet Kristy

    2. Let's Get Started

    3. Social Media And Sharing Your Successes

    4. Disclaimer

    1. Day/night confusion and should I ever wake a sleeping baby?

    2. Should I follow a routine?

    3. Night Feeds and What to Expect

    4. The Dream Feed

    5. Sleep Cycles and Cat Napping

    6. Why is my baby so hard to settle after 3am?

    7. Wake Windows and Understanding Sleepy Cues

    8. Attempting the Cot Sleep Once a Day

    9. Settling My Baby

    10. Re-settling My Baby

    1. Safe Sleeping

    2. Room Temperature and Dressing your Baby for Sleep

    3. Should my baby sleep in a dark room?

    4. Do you recommend a cot or bassinet?

    5. Wind Down Routine

    6. White/Pink Noise

    7. I’ve Heard Dummies are Bad

    8. Swaddling Your Baby

    9. Transitioning from Bassinet to Cot

    10. Can I use a snoo whilst following this guide?

    1. What if my baby has a medical condition?

    2. Asking for Help

    3. Reflux

    4. Colic

    5. Should I burp my baby?

    6. Poo

    7. Jaundice

    8. Newborn REM or Active Sleep

    9. Real Life Settling of a 8 Week Old

    10. Real Life Settling of a 4 Week Old

    11. Unswaddling

    12. Tummy Time

    13. Social Smiling

    14. What if my baby is stuck in an overtired cycle?

    15. Support

    1. What products do I need?

    2. What if my baby was premature?

    3. Can I follow this course if I am formula / bottle feeding?

    4. What is the refund policy?

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 43 lessons

we help families get the sleep they need

In need of a 1:1 consult? Book in with us for your own personalised session. We want to help you embrace that parenting journey and not feel stressed or anxious about your little ones sleep.